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10 Ways To Incorporate Consciousness and Healing Into Everyday Life

1. Breathe: Slowly, Deeply. Whenever you think about it. And especially whenever you feel any overwhelming emotions, or even when you feel zero emotions (numbness) or feel “paralyzed.” This brings you back into the present moment and back into your body. This also sends a signal of safety to your nervous system.

2. Ground yourself: Feel your feet on the floor. Wiggle your toes. Rub your feet on the floor. Close your eyes and imagine your bare feet on the ground. Actually get your bare feet onto the earth itself. List 3 things you can see in the moment. This also brings you back into the present moment and back into your body.

3. “Bookmark” any triggers (unpleasant feelings/emotions) that may arise throughout the day to process and release later, either when alone or with a trusted trauma therapist/guide/coach, etc.

4. Repeat mantas or affirmations throughout the day, that resonate in the moment to bring some sense of comfort or relief. Some examples: I am peaceful. I am relaxed. I am safe. I am safe to feel my feelings. I am healing. I have the tools within to heal myself, even when I feel that I don’t. I have all that I need inside of me. I am worthy. I am enough. I am free. I release fear and unworthiness.

5. Keep bringing yourself back to the present moment, over and over again. Have a mantra for this such as: I am present. I am connected. Be here now. (Except when processing and releasing past experiences and emotions, and even then you can learn to be present with the emotions and to release them without dissociating from them or further repressing them).

6. Practice setting healthy boundaries with others around your time and energy. Start with small things such as saying “no” to something you don’t want to do or saying “yes” to something you do want to do. This is a skill that can be cultivated (all of these things are actually).

7. Connect with your inner child: Close your eyes. Take several deep breaths. Allow your inner child to come into your vision or your mind’s eye. Picture how he/she looks, what he/she is wearing, what he/she is feeling, etc. Give him/her whatever he/she needs in the moment to feel love and connection. Extend nurturing and words of affirmation to know he/she is safe, loved, worthy, etc.

8. Practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness. Practice immediately forgiving yourself when you make mistakes. Extend yourself grace and compassion for always doing the best you can with whatever resources and level of consciousness you have in the moment.

 9. Commit to becoming more and more conscious everyday and be willing to do the work to heal your emotional wounds.

10. Find small ways to incorporate self-care: (Hint: All of the above practices are self care techniques). This may also include things such as drinking more water, doing more conscious movement/physical activity, eating nutritious foods, getting good restorative sleep, resting when tired, taking a warm bath/shower to relax the mind and body, etc.

There are SO MANY more things to add to this list and they can be as simple or as deep as you want. The point is that you can continuously find ways to incorporate more consciousness and healing into your daily life. The more you do these things, the more you literally rewrite the subconscious programming and rewire the nervous system, creating new neural pathways and new ways of being in the world.

It is also important to process past traumatic experiences and repressed emotions, to release these. Otherwise, they can keep coming up again and again, playing out in the same/similar scenarios in your life until you decide to go in and heal them at the root.

If you would like to schedule hypnotherapy sessions to help process any of these deeper issues, please contact me for either in-person or videoconferencing sessions per below-

Email: / Office phone: 980-428-6070

Follow me on Instagram: @burkholderwellness and on Facebook: Burkholder Wellness.


Liz Burkholder, NP (Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Trauma Specialist)


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